2017: A year of learning

During this year, I found the first moments of a blend between my studies finally occurring. Beyond the words of any lecture I’d sit through, the benefits of a creative, visual tract were mingling with the needs of my marketing classes. This year was the beginning of an exploration in honing my skills technically, while applying them across new scenarios.



Advanced Drawing: Contemporary Issues

Consumer Behaviors

Fundamentals of Graphic Visualization

Visual Communication and Process

Topics Covered

Life Drawing, figure drawing

Graphic Design
Historic references on modern concepts;


What did I learn?



This class was a more serious drawing class than I had previously enrolled in, but with the encouragement of my professor I collected my art supplies and got drawing. During this year I explored the relationship with editorial drawings and the current political discourse. I created a body of drawings representing the biggest faces in global politics, amongst other public figures.


This marketing-track course is a required class at SJSU. With two sections, it covers concepts across B2B and B2C marketplaces, specifically the relationship between predictable behaviors and strategies to use regardless. This course began to point out the ways my studies in graphic design and visual arts can play into the decision-making process in business.


In DSGD 100, we dove into the world of classic graphic design. While we covered the aspects of the Adobe Creative Suite, the main focus of the class was to begin to associate conceptual defenses to our decisions. No longer were we just designing posters, we were creating compositions and focusing on the structure by which good taste and design rest upon.




Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

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